Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Slap me...please!!


As I mentioned in a previous "Abortion" post...Harriet Miers was being scrutinized for the abortion issue.

Well, let it be known that she was against abortion in 89...the only way she would be for it was if it endangered the life of a mother.

Gee...I'll bet she never talked to Junior about this...

BTW...did anyone catch that picture of she & Junior in Newsweek a couple of weeks ago? Reminds me of a certain intern & a certain former president...hmmm...


Michael Brown said...

Harriet Miers is a puppet. She's horribly unqualified and underqualified for a seat in the Supreme Court. When even the Republicans are shouting "No, you idiot!" at their President, you know she'll not survive the process(or, at least I hope she won't). If she is appointed, then be afraid. America's Rights and Civil Liberties will completely vanish; maybe not overnight ... but the concepts will fade away gradually, like Members Only jackets and Zima.

Ms. Hep said...

LMAO - Michael, meet Micah.


Dr. Zoom said...

Actually, the 1989 opinion should ease staunch conservaties' minds a bit. We'll see how much.