Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Sleep Deprivation

I recently studied that it can kill you. But is a little s.d. all that bad?

Personally, the past two weeks I get, oh, about a good 3-4 hours sleep a night. But then I usually take a 2 hour *siesta*...if I'm lucky. If I'm not...and I need to do something that evening...like say...THINK...I'll take a sudafed, or something.

Is this wrong? Really, it keeps me more focused. That may sound completely crazy. But it does.

So, yes...please forgive me for these inane postings as of late - I don't think my brain is completely functioning...but one day...it will again.


JeromeProphet said...

Ms. Hep,

I like your blog. You have a local, but not local - if you know what I mean - perspective.

I had a week off from work recently, and boy did the brain cells start to kick back in.

By Friday Evening I'm a zombie.

Saturday morning is spent hugging the pillow for every spare moment of catchup sleep.
Sunday is the day I decide - get the sleep I crave, or go do something - usually I end up going, and doing something - and stay up late Sunday.

By Monday morning I'm a zombie.

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep - If I won the lottery I'd spend a year just catching up.
Thanks for posting your comment on my blog. I'm going to add you to my blogroll.


Ms. Hep said...

Exactly, EXACTLY!!!

Thanks, JP - I sooo appreciate it!!
