Wednesday, December 03, 2008

When Life Hands You a Curveball...

...Fucking hit it back, I guess is the moral of this story.

I was laid off Monday. For no fault of my own, for once. The economy. Blech.

So, I'd been going back & forth when/if I should move back to Little Rock for about the past 6 months or so. Now it is definite. I am moving into the "Gay Trucker's" house. $400/month, all-inclusive - and tons of privacy.

It's a little melancholy. I was hoping that I had changed enough that I could move back here, and make a good life for myself. But I've never been happy here. I don't think it's this town, per se, but my frame of mind while I'm here.

Being 500 miles away gives me a real sense of independance, and as much as I do love the theater scene here...I feel more comforable in Little Rock as an artist.

So, I'm moving December 29th. The day after I turn 33.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you know how I feel. Happy for you. Sad for us. And - I DID text you after you told me - so I should get some credit too! ;) K