Sunday, December 25, 2005

So This Is Christmas...And What Have YOU Done?

I'm sitting here...completely bored out of my mind, and since I've been blasted here on blogger for having a seemingly boring blog, what the hell...I'll bore y'all some more.

Just a little broad and crazy statement - LDR's totally suck at holiday time when you're away from the one you love. The one that you have committed your life to. And those who know me personally, know what it takes for me to commit. My soul, my mind, and my heart all have to be rolled into one - to have someone complete me. And this someone does complete me. When asked by this gentleman the other day, "why him", that is the only thing I could possibly think of that truly explained my heart. I couldn't imagine life without him. I wouldn't want to live in this pitiful world without him.

Also, I've been blasted for being psycho. I really don't believe that this is the case. But I believe that when love is fresh, and new - that we are all a little bit crazy sometimes. I don't apologize for that - but if love doesn't make you a little bit nuts - I truly do not believe that it would be love at all.

Back to the holidays. I come from a big Irish Catholic family. And if you want to see psycho - y'all need to check my mother & her mother out for size. Things getting thrown...people getting cussed out day in & day out. Why is this? Why do people stress so much over a holiday that really if you truly believe in the meaning of it, that it has nothing to do with US. It isn't about breaking your neck to get your children each one of their hearts desires, it is about celebrating a religious holiday - a birthday. That's if you believe in The Big C. If not, God, are you lucky!!

Sometimes it makes me wish that I was still living 500 miles away, so I'd have a reasonable excuse to bow out of all of the "festivities". Why do we feel it necessary to be sickingly sweet to say...our co-workers, and yet we would use words on our family members that we wouldn't even say to our enemies? This is nuts. People who I don't give a flying-you-know-what about, I don't care if they call me a cunt, or even stupid...but when it comes from family members, that reaches a new low.

Well, let's hope that the day in the future...will become something to be celebrated...and not despised.

And please tell your loved ones exactly how you feel this holiday season. That's what it is here for.

1 comment:

Michael Brown said...

"My soul, my mind, and my heart all have to be rolled into one - to have someone complete me. And this someone does complete me. When asked by this gentleman the other day, "why him", that is the only thing I could possibly think of that truly explained my heart. I couldn't imagine life without him. I wouldn't want to live in this pitiful world without him."

Don't mince words, honey. Say what you really feel. ;)

I love you!

(See you tomorrow!)