Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Just Call Me "Deer", Please!!

I'm a bad blogger. Bad, bad, bad!!

I've just been a "little" neglectful...alas...here I am again. You can all jump up & down for joy...the 2 people who actually read this thing.

I'll begin with Saturday...I auditioned for "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" at Springfield Theatre Centre. Wasn't really caring about what role I got...I'd done the show a year ago in Little Rock, AR.

BUT...I was cast as the black housekeeper, Jewel (WTF?)

Then, I'm running spot for Nunsense (Just call me Sr. Mary Myopia), driving home...and WHAM. I hit a deer. By the grace of God, I was wearing a seat belt, so I didn't go through the windshield.

Whew. What a weekend.


Ms. Hep said...

Haha...I hadn't heard THAT one before...lmao

Michael Brown said...

I'm physically ill that I didn't think of that sooner, Katie. Bravo!

(Actually, I'm steering clear of making any jokes or puns about the accident. Well, I might if I had some doe... not much... just a few bucks. But my deer Kim is a little sensitive about all this. I know how this will go. I keep going on and on with this antler feelings will get hurt, then I'll have to hoof it. Y'see if I don't say anything to make fun of it, then Kim will fawn all over me, and that would be great. If I do, then more than likely the bad feelings will mount up and I'll wind up going stag. So, buck up, Kim. I won't go down that road for fear of getting caught in the headlights/.)

Ms. Hep said...

Oh, see now. You outed me for the world to see. Not fair. Not fair at all.

Dr. Zoom said...

Venison be gone!

Ms. Hep said...

Now THAT made me laugh out loud.

Thanks, Dr. Z!!