Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Slap a Bitch, Go To Jail - Per Mrs. Zoom

School board expels 18 students Thirteen were involved in fights at Lanphier

Published Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Springfield School Board decided to expel 18 high school students at its meeting Monday night - probably the most ever expelled at one time, according to School Superintendent Diane Rutledge.

Thirteen of the 18 expelled students attended Lanphier High School and took part in fights at the school on Oct. 25. About that many were arrested as a result. The board also expelled, for unrelated incidents, two other Lanphier students, two from Springfield High School and one from Southeast High School.

"It was a very sad day for us," Rutledge said. "We are not proud of that kind of thing."
All the students were expelled for the remainder of the school year, and most were offered alternative education options.

Rutledge said the district, the Springfield Police Department and social service agencies are working with many of the expelled Lanphier students and their families to resolve issues that lead to the fighting. According to police, the fighting stemmed from neighborhood gang-related disputes.

Part of the problem, some board members hinted, might be explained by high school expectations.

Following a briefing of tougher state-required high school graduation requirements, board members were concerned that they actually might stifle interest in learning. The new requirements, which gradually take effect during the next four years, increase the number of math, writing and science courses needed to graduate, while decreasing the number of elective courses.

"I think it's great that there's additional requirements. But I'm really concerned about keeping kids interested in school. And I hate to see that there's going to be fewer (electives)," said board member Cheryl Wise. "It really does bother me."

"If you look at the number of kids that we have expelled today - as the numbers continue to grow, in terms of expulsions - I think we need to look at: Why aren't they interested in school, really?" said board president Judy Johnson.

"Some of them want to be there. They come in and say they want to be in class. Yet, still, they're acting out. ... What are we doing as a district to look at that?"


Anonymous said...

Not having gone to a public school - except Universities, I guess I'm clueless on this expulsion subject.

So what about the kids now?

Obviously they should be kept of of the general population of Lanphier if they are involved in gang related brawls, but is there another place for them to go?


Ms. Hep said...

They are able to transfer to another high school...they also have the "bad" kids school.

Back in the 90's it was at a school across the street from Southeast...I'm told it has since moved. An "alternative" high school...1/2 day. I think it's wimpy. The kids should be forced to get jobs...or something.

Personally I think they should have all been charged with mob action.