Sunday, September 04, 2005

It's Almost Been a Week

It's almost been a week, and only recently has something been done to aid the victims of Hurricane K. But not to aid ALL of the victims. There are still a few counties in MS that haven't been visited. Why? What is the real deal?

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm Left-Wing. I was raised that way, and will be so until my dying day. But this is completely a non-partisan issue. I thought, even in my leftist brain, that Dubya would actually DO something this time. He did...but too little too late. They've already found 59 bodies in Naw'leans. Lord knows how many more they will find when the waters dry in a month & 1/2. I'm sickened.

Now, I propose that we come up with a new name for FEMA. Something that ends with assholes. They sure talk a good game though, don't they?

More than ever, I am ashamed to be an American. We have too much money in this country to have let these people suffer. While you may say it's a race issue, I would rather say that it is a "class" issue. 99% of the people who stayed in NOLA didn't do so by choice. It was because they either were sick or elderly & could not work, or too poor to afford to leave.

Hmmm...if FEMA could find the buses AFTER the storm to move the victims to Texas, then why couldn't they do so before? These are questions that every American needs answers to, and what's more, is that we demand these answers. NOW.

1 comment:

Ms. Hep said...

I love it!! I will use it now!! Thanks!