Friday, September 30, 2005

Yes, I'm Fat...So Please Quit Staring

Plus-sized. Pleasantly plump. Obese. Curvy. BBW (big beautiful woman), large, super-sized. These are the most offensive words to a woman like me. Why can't we go back to what we are?


I love to eat. I mean I love to eat. There is nothing better to me than a food orgasm. Except, well, know. But still. It's not like I'm 400 lbs., though. I do have curves...plenty of them. But I am a fat chick. So why do I get stares at every restaurant that I walk into? It's not like I got this big by dieting all of the time. And yes...I am one of those fat chicks. I drink Diet coke with everything (Submit your own pun here).

I am fat. But not unattractive.

I am fat. But not desperate.

The other day I was on yahoo messenger and someone IM'ed me and said to be this big I was awfully flat-chested. If he was to date me I would have to get breast implants. And do you know what offended me the most? Not the fact that I said I was big...but that I needed breast implants. What the hell? I don't get this whole obsession with plastic surgery. Of any kind. No, I'm not getting the gastric bypass so I can find a husband. If I diet, it's usually because I want a good role in a show. For myself. Not for anyone else.

I am fat. But I know someone who is completely attracted to my mind, body, and spirit.

I am fat, but he makes me feel as if I am the most beautiful woman in the world.

I am fat, but I feel liked a whole lot, and perhaps even loved.

I am fat. But not lazy.

I am fat. And yes I have had sex.

I am fat. That does not mean that you can treat me as though I am less than human.

I am fat. But that does not mean that I don't have self-esteem.

I am fat. Why the hell won't you cast me in your show?

I am fat. But it does not personify who I am.

I am fat. Get over it. I have.


Dr. Zoom said...

Oh, Kimmy ... Kimmy ... Kimmy ...

Preach it!

Ms. Hep said...

Put the hammer down!!

Michael Brown said...

Lest you forget, you're also
"p-h-a-t", sweetie.

Ms. Hep said...

LMAO - pretty hot & tempting. Thanks, babe!!