Sunday, October 02, 2005

Emotional Control or Lack There Of

Okay, as women we know there comes a time right before THAT time of the month where we want to kill our own emotions, called PMS.

Why do some of us go off the deep end during this time of the month? I cannot explain it. All I can say is that to those who I've hurt, or gone off on during these times, I am truly very sorry. Case in point. A guy I am semi-dating, tonight he told me to call him back at 10:00 because he was going to watch a program on television. Cool, right? Well, any other time I would have been. This certain time, I felt my face get hot, my heart plumment into my feet, and it felt as if he had kicked me in the chest. So I felt it best to cut it short, since I didn't want to take him down the road of insane emotions. Better to hold it in, right? Hell, why do you think I am blogging now? Should I have held it in? Or should I have went nuts on him? I knew at the time that I should not have been so stupid. It's a television program, right? It's not like this person & I never talk - we spend at least 7 hours a day talking to one another. What the fuck is wrong with my brain today? I felt as if he was saying "Fuck you, this program is so much more interesting than you are". But he wasn't. *Sigh*

I'm nuts during this time, and for that I sincerely apologize. I hope that you can forgive me.


Michael Brown said...

I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone has their hypersensitive moments now and then.

Sounds to me like you really have a thing for this guy. :)

Ms. Hep said...

Gee, do you really think so?
