Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What the Hell Has Happened to Separation of Church and State?

Wow - I'm sure I'll get a rise out of a lot of folks with this one. Sorry, it cannot fester any longer.

While living in Arkansas, I kind of relented to my liberal upbringing. We had our lovely governor leading the state in prayer. I was confused. But yet, I understood. The things that southerners know are BBQ, Fried Foods, and Jeezus. More power to them. Personally, I am not an organized-religion fan. A lot of these fundamental Christians border on the cult-standard. I'm always looking for the next David Koresh. I mean, true Christianity, you are supposed to love your neighbor. Not hate them. Oh! And the biggest one that really gets to me is..."do not judge lest ye be judged". Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. That's all I am saying about that one.

So, I relented that S.O.C.A.S. is null and void in Arkansas. That's fine. It's the south - EVERYTHING'S backwards...and slow. Listen to me talk nowadays - you'll know that it's slow :)

But imagine my shock when I move back home - sigh - finally back in Liberalland. And I find out that prayer and religion is trying to find its way back into public schools. Come again? Religion=Public Schools. Now there's an oxymoron, if I have ever heard of one. WTF? Parents, if it is so neccessary that your child cannot live without praising Jesus for the what? 7 hours a day that they are in school - send them to a parochial school of some sort. Look what a good job they did on me ;)


Michael Brown said...

Kimmy sez: The things that southerners know are BBQ, Fried Foods, and Jeezus. More power to them.

Be fair. Some of us know more than that.

Kimmy then sez: So, I relented that S.O.C.A.S. is null and void in Arkansas. That's fine.

It's not null and void... there's just a blurry line between the two.

Kimmy cont'd: It's the south - EVERYTHING'S backwards...and slow. Listen to me talk nowadays - you'll know that it's slow.

Yeah. I grew up on the borderlands between what would officially be called "The South" and what is sometimes referred to as "The Heartland". I'm nowhere near as "southern" as some people I know, which I think tends to give me an advantage, of sorts, over your typical, run-of-the-mill, beer drinking, "Git-Er-Done"-ballcap wearing, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing Arkansan. I have a love/hate relationship with the south. I hate all the ignorant, stupid hicks (especially the ones that think they're smart, but they aren't [and I'm being very generous here ... I could go on and on about how idiotic people are down here below the Mason-Dixon, but I won't]) and the weather (I can't stand the relentless southern summers). Yet, I love the scenery and the food. Go figure.

As far as S.O.C.A.S. when it comes to the schools, I can only bring my own experience to bear on the subject. The only consistant open prayer I remember at my high school would have been after a football game, the players and coach would take a knee on the 50 yard line and they'd say the "Lord's Prayer" (which, for any of you heathen, hell bound, idol-worshipping Catholics out there, that'd be called the "Our Father", I believe). It was strictly voluntary. Some players didn't do it and they weren't singled out or anything because of it. They'd just get an early start on that long walk back to the fieldhouse after the inevitable loss (egad... I do remember back when the Corning Bobcats actually used to win football games, but I digress).

It seems more and more that with each passing week, Kim, you're shocked to find the slithering tenticles of conservitism slowly creeping into your sleepy, little, mid-western town. Well, as with my state, which up until someone must've flipped a giant "Retard" switch was a "Blue State", your state, and indeed your innocent, idyllic, white picket fenced slice of Americana that is Springfield, is not completely immune to the mass psychosis that is the Fundamentalist Conservative Movement.

-- Michael
(Still trying to figure out how you can call us "slow" when Springfield is reportedly just now dealing with the prayer in school issue. Man, that's old hat to us. Catch up!)

Anonymous said...

Michael notes:
"Still trying to figure out how you can call us "slow" when Springfield is reportedly just now dealing with the prayer in school issue. Man, that's old hat to us. Catch up!"


No, this is at least round 3 of this crap. Spfld went through this in the post McCarthy 50s, late 70s/early 80s, and now again. It just never really goes away!