Monday, October 17, 2005

I'll Get Killed for This Posting

I was having an in-depth conversation with my father last night, and I truly believe that this is an issue that is completely side-stepped around nowdays.

What has happened to people living in the "real world"? I know this person, and like me, he has stolen, lied to, been arrested for heinous (well, not heinous, really...but stupid) things done to not only strangers, but people who are close to them...friends, family, whatever. But there is one huge difference between us. I have taken responsibility for my actions. I have apologized for my actions. I do not make excuses for what I have done. All I can say is that I was a completely different person at the time that I did these things (the last time being 8 years ago).

This person walks around as if the world revolves around him, and isn't even humble around people that he has hurt. He's hugely egotistical, spiteful, and I am hurt because of this. I want to forgive him for the things that he has done to people that I consider to be my friends. But if you don't ask for forgiveness, how is one supposed to forgive you? He is not living in the real world.

People place all of their faith in God. Which I do not dispute at all. But if you believe in God, then you also should believe that He gave us the ability to make our own decisions in life, and we must take responsibility for those actions. If we do not make the right decisions, then it is our responsibility to do all that we can as mortals to make up for those transgressions. Get a fucking job, stop living in a fantasy land where your entire life revolves around theater, music, and movies. Faith is a good thing, yes. But you cannot just say "I don't have enough money to pay for this bill, but JEEZUS will take care of this for me". That is not acceptable.

Faith is a great thing, but you need to be humble, and get your ass in gear to become a productive member of society. Keeping your ego in check is a good thing.

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