Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Day in the Life as a Backstage Dresser

*Disclaimer - this was written on Sunday night - my how things change in a day*

I love theater...I really, really do. Maybe if I keep telling myself, I will believe it :)

I began performing onstage in Springfield, Illinois at the tender age of 10. As a puppet in a acid-induced production of "Pinocchio" at the Springfield Theatre Centre. Let me backtrack 3 months before then. I may have already posted this story, but what the hell - like I'm going to lose the 2 readers of this blog that I already have.

I come from an extreme musical family. I started violin lessons at age 4. My sister is the musical genius - plays more musical instruments (and plays them well, unlike me) than should be humanly possible. We were brought up on Mozart and Jesus Christ Superstar, for pete's sake. While dad was on "vacation" from singing with the Symphony Chorus, he decided with the help of Teresa Radlinski, the choir director at our church, to audition for the Springfield Muni Opera's production of "Jesus Christ Superstar". He was cast, and I was bitten by the theater bug. I thought, hey this is something that I could possibly do well. I couldn't sing worth a damn, so what could it hurt?

That's the reader's digest version. So, a Drama Queen was offically born!

As a true theater junkie, I've done my fair share of working backstage. Dresser, props, sound, lights, set building, set crew...whatever. I'm not picky. But for the last 8 years I kind of got my head blown up by playing some very interesting roles in Arkansas....The Narrator in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Ruby Rae in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Maggie in The Shadow Box, Victoria in A Grand Night for Singing...just to name a few. So imagine my delight when I heard that Springfield Theatre Centre was going to put on Jekyll & Hyde. Wow. But we all knew who the leading lady was going to go to. I just assumed I'd be put in the chorus, since I would only have to miss a few weeks of rehearsal. So I put on my most suitable skirt & gold lame blouse...curled my hair up Texas-style...and belted out "Someone Else's Story" from Chess. Made one critical error. I forgot that Springfield doesn't see fat girls as leading ladies. Believe me, that's the last time I use a "touchy" song for an audition here ;)

Or maybe I'm completely wrong. Maybe the reason why I wasn't cast is that I was just going to miss too much rehearsal. Because as good as the chorus is, I know I can go head-to-head with anyone of those women singing and acting. Sounds egotistical? Yeah, but I'm a friggin' thespian, what did you expect? I do have a diva attitude sometimes ;)

But I couldn't NOT work on that show in some capactiy. My father, whom I deeply admire and respect, was in the show. I hadn't been "in" a show with him since 1997. So when this guy asked me to be his dresser, I lept at the chance to be involved without having to move those massive set pieces.

So, here I was on Sunday afternoon...ready to go. Had my bravest game face on. Was prepared with a bowtie in one hand and a vest in the other. I was sooo prepared...time to show these people what kind of a uber-theater professional I have become...annnddd...

I friggin' crashed & burned. I hadn't adjusted the tie NOR the vest. Pfffttt...

The joys of live theater. What a professional I turned out to be.


Dr. Zoom said...

Ahhh ... but we fixed that last night, didn't we? :mwah!:

Ms. Hep said...

It was like buttah...I still have that "itis"

Michael Brown said...

So, your first night back was a bit of a stumble. Feh.

From the sound of things you've got your rhythm back. Just think how nuts you'd be if you weren't doing it.

Ms. Hep said...

Auugghh!! True, my dear sister. I much prefer enciting diva riots than dealing with screaming kids all day long.

Dr. Zoom said...

"Servicing Mr. Cheese"

There's a tawdry British sex farce there, somewhere, I think.

Ms. Hep said...

That's a sketch for "Little Britain", me thinks.

Ms. Hep said...

Oh how I've missed you, Micah!!

Yes, someone please slap me into reality.

Seriously, you can do that from Guffman with ANY community theater - ANYWHERE.

Springfield is a gem compared to some that I've worked with in Arkansas.

Ms. Hep said...

I claim my inner diva...always!!

Just so you know I'm still as clumsy as I ever was - I fell face first on opening night during "A Grand Night for Singing" a few months ago...flashbacks of our senior musical...lmao

Nothing like showing my tights to a bunch of bluehairs to really get the show going :)

Ms. Hep said...

$#%& I meant a few years ago.

I really need some sleep...