Friday, October 07, 2005

Ok...Time to Take It Down A Notch

For all of those living anywhere near to Springfield, Illinois - I beg of you to call for your tickets to the "wondermouse" production of "Jekyll & Hyde" at the Springfield Theatre Centre.

While I'm not actually IN the production (that's another posting altogether), I am the personal dresser for this guy :)

And my FAVORITE liberal/communist in Springfield, Jim Leach, also makes an appearance. And my dad, Mr. Hep he ain't too shabby either.

Having said that, I attended a rehearsal last Sunday and can I say "OMG". While the leads are stunning, the biggest shock to me was the ensemble. These voices melt together like pure BUTTAH - I love it!

So, if you want to see the best community theater production that I've ever seen - ever - please c'mon down to the Hoog!


Sassy said...

We can't do it without the dressers backstage. :) I played Emma in a production and had a very quick change before "In His Eyes" and after "Once Upon a Dream" and couldn't have lived without my dresser.

Ms. Hep said...

Thanks, darlin'!!

Having been in my "strictly performing" mode for the past eight years, this has been a truly humbling experience!!